Rain does not stop play in Borrowdale.
We all know how wet it can be in Borrowdale. Although most schools and teachers in the country would hesitate to go outside on a wet day, at Borrowdale School the children love to keep learning outside and embrace every opportunity that the weather throws at them.
Everybody knows children love to splash and play in big puddles and rainy days present children with whole new opportunities to learn in the outdoors. In Borrowdale we put on our waterproof trousers, zip up our raincoats and slip on some wellington boots and go outside for a while to take full advantage of a rainy day.
Rainwater is a wonderful resource and can be used for so many different activities. Earlier this week the children went outside nearly every day to make the most of the water. They played in the rain, splashed in puddles, made themselves a shelter and a hot drink in the Kelly kettles, tested their model rafts which they built from Autumn leaves and twigs, made mud pies and wondered why their wellies were getting warm with the water inside them (and why it is so difficult to take them off when they are full of water).
It is of course paramount that the children stay warm, safe and protected when going outside. After wet outside activities children change into dry clothes (if needed) and carried on with the day. The school has plenty of (spare) kit to protect the children from the elements, and all children keep a full change of clothes at school to change into if needed.
At Borrowdale School we don’t easily say that ‘it is too wet to go outside’. There is no such thing as bad weather that is too bad - only clothing and gear that isn’t suitable for the weather.