Borrowdale CE Primary School
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Pupils are expected to dress tidily and appropriately for school according to the anticipated activities and season. In light rain or cold weather the children will be expected to wear a coat.

We want pupils to look smart for school and we need the support of parents to achieve this. The school uniform is as follows:-

  • White polo shirt
  • Borrowdale School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Dark trousers/ skirt
  • Indoor shoes/slippers


There is no formal expectation for specific styles of skirts, shorts, trousers etc. but plain, dark materials are considered appropriate. It is simple and practical and it shows a personal care about the school and their appearance. The majority of pupils do look smart and we are very grateful for your support with this matter. Sweatshirts can be purchased from the school and cost £10.


The following items are not considered appropriate for school:

  • brightly coloured hooded tops
  • tracksuit bottoms
  • jeans
  • leggings without a skirt
  • very short skirts or tight shorts


Parents are expected to ensure that their child is in school uniform every day. Please name all items of your children's clothing, so we can return any misplaced items of clothing. The wearing of jewellery and make-up is actively discouraged. Please don’t allow your child to bring any valuables to school.


PE kit

To enable to participate in PE, it is expected that children have a PE kit, including trainers. PE is usually taught outside. As the weather is changeable, we expect the children to wear dark shorts, tracksuit bottoms, or leggings; a white T-shirt or polo shirt, running trainers. On colder days, wearing a plain jumper is accepted.


Lost property

Children (like adults) are sometimes forgetful. We would therefore like to ask you to put your child’s name into all his or her clothes. On warm days, school sweatshirts seem to be lost and found throughout the school! When an item gets lost, please ask the child’s teacher as soon as possible so they can help to find it.
