We believe that our pupils will need a significant understanding of digital literacy, information technology and computer science to be successful in the future.
We want to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become confident, active participants in the digital world.
We have invested in the school's digital infrastructure so we are able to provide a high-quality school computing curriculum. Each pupil has their own iPad and classrooms are equipped with interactive boards and MacBooks. Key is that all teachers have the subject knowledge to teach computing skills and knowledge discreetly or as part of other subjects.
Confident, creative, safe and productive use of technology is an essential skill for life. At our school we embrace a computing curriculum that reflects the increasing role played by technology in all aspects of society. We recognise that ICT capability can also be used to support logical reasoning and problem solving, analysis, research and design across all aspects of the curriculum.
Our computing curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
Our commitment to new and emerging technologies enables children to access state-of-the-art equipment to enhance their learning. The children have access to their 'own' iPads - reflective of the range of technology beyond school. Children are encouraged to apply their skills in computing across the curriculum and to appreciate how computers are applied to support a whole range of tasks in life after school. We work with Cumbria STEM centre to extend opportunities to work with programming technology and robotics.